The Special Collection recently finished digitizing over a hundred photos of Baptist churches throughout the state of Alabama. While we're still getting them uploaded into our online system for everyone to see, we thought we'd show off a few of our favorites.
These photos come from SCAV 960, a collection of photos of Baptist churches from the 1950s and 1960s that were gathered by the Alabama Baptist Historical Commision. Sadly, most of the photos are not dated and on some there is no location, so we've not always been able to percisely ID each of the churches in questions. After all, churches sure do like the have the same name.
Hanceville First Bapitst Church |
Hanceville First Baptist Church in Hanceville Alabama is a member of the East Cullman Association. We don't have a date on this photo, but we're thinking it is from the 1950s.
First Baptist Church in Steppville, Alabama |
We don't know much about this church, but love the photo. No association has been able to be verified for the church. So, if anyone recoginizes this door, we'd love to know.
Philadelphia Baptist Church, Phenix City, Alabama |
Philadelphia Baptist Church in Phenix City, Alabama. Philadelphia Baptist Church is a member of the Russell Baptist Association.
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in Decatur, Alabama |
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in Decatur, Alabama. After some digging, we've traced the church to the Morgan Baptist Association, but we're not certain about that. Sadly, this great old photograph is creased in the center, causing considerable damage.
Union Grove in Morgan County |
One of our more mysterious churches, Union Grove is identifed on the photopgraph as a member of the Gillam Springs Association, but the Gillam Springs Association no longer exists. We haven't been able to find the church is another association and Union Grove is a very common church name. If anyone recognizes this church, please contact the Special Collection at (Link to Email) . We'd love to track it down.
And that's it! Just a few of our newly digitized church photos. We're always adding more, so check out our Alabama Relgious Life digital collections online.
Thanks, once again, to Rachel Cohen of the Special Collection and University Archives for blog text and photographs.