Thursday, October 27, 2011

Royal Society Journal Archive

The Royal Society opened its archives to the public yesterday in digital format.
"Treasures in the archive include Isaac Newton's first published scientific paper, geological work by a young Charles Darwin, and Benjamin Franklin’s celebrated account of his electrical kite experiment." (The Royal Society)
Please read more about the archives, or enjoy searching them yourself!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

SAILS Winner #2

Congratulations to Cole Limbaugh, who won a $50 Amazon Gift Card for participating in Project SAILS!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Popcorn Aftermath

Thank you to all those who visited us during our popcorn give-away. We promoted Project SAILS by giving away 26 batches of fresh popcorn and 83 SAILS cards! The SAILS survey will remain open to undergraduates through November 11.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Free Popcorn

Tomorrow during Convo hour (10:00-11:00 a.m.), we will be distributing free popcorn in front of the University Library. This is to promote Project SAILS.

We will also be distributing SAILS cards to undergraduate students during this time. Any undergraduate student who has not received a SAILS card may also acquire one at the Reference Desk on the 2nd floor of the Library.

There are still five prizes to give away to undergraduates. Please help us help you by participating in Project SAILS!

Friday, October 21, 2011

SAILS Winner #1

We are giving away prizes to our undergraduates for taking the Standardized Assessment of Information Literacy Skills (SAILS). Our first winner is Katie Wood - she won a $50 gift card to Congratulations, Katie!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Project SAILS

From October 17 through November 11, the University Library will be administering the Standardized Assessment of Information Literacy Skills (SAILS) to Samford undergraduate students. This will give us a detailed snapshot of our students’ information literacy skills and will help us to optimize our instructional efforts to meet areas of need. We will need the support of our faculty in encouraging students to connect to the library website and complete the test.

The library will be giving away prizes for taking this test. If you are an undergraduate student, you could win an Amazon Gift Card ($50-$100) or a new iPad. Prizes will be given out on the next five Fridays (10/21 to 11/18).

The test takes 35 minutes on average. For instructions on how to take the test and other information, see

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Live at the Library 2011

Dr. Wayne Flynt will be speaking at Live at the Library this year. Be sure to read the Belltower article about this exciting event.